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Cher Jacques, voici une version de CAPONATA. "Enjoy" Capunatina -- The Little Caponata ------------------------------ Some versions of caponata can be amazingly baroque. Here's one as quick and simple as it is tasty:

1 pound eggplant (1 livre d'aubergines) 3/4 pound ripe tomatoes (3/4 livre de tomates mures) 4 large peppers(4 gros poivrons rouge et jaunes) (red and yellow make for pleasant color contrasts) (optional:)1/4 pound caciocavallo, diced (fromage) (caciocavallo is a moderately sharp firm cheese; in its absence use either somewhat less very mild pecorino romano or similar) 1 large onion 2 cloves garlic, minced (2 ou plus!! morceaux d'ail, coupes fins) 1/2 cup dry white wine (1/2 verre de vin blanc sec) Olive oil (huile d'olive) Salt & pepper to taste (sel et poivre) Basil

Begin by dicing the eggplant and leaving the pieces in a colander for an hour, liberally sprinkled with salt, to draw out their bitter juices. Seed the peppers and cut them into strips, chop and seed the tomatoes. Preheat the oven to 375 F (180C) (chauffer le four a 180C)

Rinse the salt off the diced eggplant, pat the pieces dry, and combine them with the other ingredients in an oven-proof dish. Sprinkle liberally with olive oil, season with salt and pepper to taste, and bake for a half hour. Stir everything around, mixing in the half cup of dry white wine, and bake another half hour.

Amicalement, luci - lzimering@earthlink.net  

PS. Si vous avez besoin de traduction en Francais, ou italien, faites-le moi savoir.

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Cherche Harissa

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