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Beautiful Child


Beautiful Child

Oh my sweet and pure one, filled with cheerfulness
Shine, twinkle like the summer sun
Show your greatness, your glory, your immenseness

Rise! break through the night and the fog!
Your existence is not mere chance
Among children, grown-ups and the elderly

You know neither space nor time
Where you are it's always spring
That's why I have been waiting for you ever since

Let us walk towards you, towards your light
From the bottom of our hearts like from a quarry
Our songs and our prayers resound

Here you are in the firmament
Oh you! beautiful child
As shiny as a diamond

You do not know melancholy, sadness,
Sorrow, fear, distress
Hatred, rancour or weakness...

You overcame my distrust
From my early childhood on
This is why I trust you

You discern our thoughts with astuteness
You enter those hearts which are ready
To live in love and peace

You act only your way
Without arrogance, pride or appearance
In the rhythm of your good pace

You know neither battle nor war
All men are brothers to you
In your life, that of your father


You don't know intrigues or lies
Rancour, wrong or vengeance
With you all bad dreams vanish
You are my glory, my love and my good fortune

You are thinner than a needle
Your rays have no distance
In the dark you shine, you shine
Oh! how lucky, to find you again, to keep you
You appear as a lightning
Under the sun, the rain and the wind
Oh! You, my beautiful one Oh! You, my dear one
You do not know gold or silver

Our bodies are thrilled to feel you
In the deepest moments
You appear as a girl
Full of charm and sweetness

Thank you so very much to have come
From afar I recognized you
You are always welcome
You have been mine for a long time


Emile Tubiana

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